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Delete using CLI

Deleting Kubeflow from GCP using the command line interface (CLI)

This page shows you how to use the CLI to delete a Kubeflow deployment on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Run the following commands to delete your deployment and reclaim all GCP resources:

cd ${KFAPP}
# If you want to delete all the resources, including storage:
kfctl delete all --delete_storage
# If you want to preserve storage, which contains metadata and information
# from Kubeflow Pipelines:
kfctl delete all

The environment variable ${KFAPP} must contain the name of the directory that contains your Kubeflow configurations. This directory was created when you deployed Kubeflow.

  • The name of the directory is the same as the name of your Kubeflow deployment. If you deployed Kubeflow using the UI, the value of ${KFAPP} is the value of the Deployment name field on the UI.
  • If you deployed Kubeflow using the CLI, use the same value as you used when you ran kfctl init.

You should consider preserving storage if you may want to relaunch Kubeflow in the future and restore the data from your pipelines.